What I Learned From Hosting Three Mother’s Retreats In One Year

Feb 19, 2023

It was the same feeling at every single retreat weekend.

A nervous group of mothers would arrive at the retreat venue, wondering what the heck they had signed up for and what was in store for them. There was an element of trust that they had followed to be in that space for the weekend and I could see that was all that was holding them through the nerves and anticipation.

Then, after our first group conversation and shared meal, it was like an exhale sigh of relief from the entire group. Like they could finally understand what they were doing there. Like their bodies were sharing with them a big thank you (and a little bit of finally!). Like a part of them felt like they’d come home to themselves. Like this is what they’d been waiting for all that time.

For those of you who don’t know, in the year of 2022, I hosted three retreats for mothers here in Wanaka. They were focused on immense nourishment for the mothers in all aspects of their lives and went well beyond the typical retreat experiences - although we indulged in those too!

Here’s five things I learned from hosting these retreats:

  1. As a society we have normalised the burn out of motherhood.

  2. Mothers are craving connection and community with likeminded women.

  3. It takes courage and trust to listen to your body when it asks for us to do less.

  4. A mother's nourishment is worthy of so much more than just a weekend.

  5. It isn't until mothers physically stop that the tears start and have space to fall.

Oossshhh that last one hits the spot. And I saw it at every single retreat. Mothers on the go, go, go and then with the space and time to stop and simply be with themselves, it’s like it all just comes out. And that’s exactly what these weekends were for. A space to be, a space to be held, a space to connect and share with others.

I had every intention of continuing these retreats, as hosting them brought me immense joy and energy. However, as I began to plan my fourth retreat for early 2023, the flow of planning wasn’t there with me. The venues and dates weren’t working. The planning just wasn’t flowing.

And what actually came through really clearly was the need for something more.

That it was time for me to become a leader in this space of doing motherhood differently.

And this all started with changing the narrative around a mother’s nourishment being only for one weekend out of their lives.

And so, the Nourished Mama program was born.

Combining the essence of these powerful retreats with my knowledge and experience as a health coach, as a nutrition consultant, as a mother, as a woman.

Creating a way for mothers to transform their lives over six weeks, instead of sixty hours.

Making long-lasting, sustainable change so that they can show up in motherhood and all the roles of their lives in the way that they truly desire to. With energy. With motivation. With awareness. With that spark inside of them relit.

Ready to join this movement of nourished mamas? Click here for all the glorious details.